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Chancellor Susan E. Borrego, in her official investiture ceremony April 17, called for bold action in further building University of Michigan-Flint community connections and student achievement. Borrego, who began as chancellor last August, said she believes UM-Flint is “on the cusp of another huge shift in the life of the university.” (more…) Read More 

Throughout her upbringing, education and professional career, the one underlying theme in Essence Wilson ‘05's life is unwavering support and belief in Flint’s revitalization. “I always had a passion for Flint and see a great deal of potential and opportunity here,” Wilson said. “I see my peers seeking opportunities elsewhere because there’s a mindset that the ‘grass is greener’ elsewhere.… Read More 

By Stephanie Irwin - Innovative Health Magazine (An excerpt) I often had noticed the Landaal Packaging Systems office when eating in Blackstone’s Pub in Flint. But, aside from the attractive building façade, I had never given much thought to who they are or what they do. Package what? But as the industry — many industries, in fact – know, the Landaal… Read More 

Next phase of growth for company celebrating 30 year anniversary Signs by Crannie has begun the move to their new building Flint Township in April, 2015 – 30 years after the business was started. The recently renovated 52,000 square foot building at 4145 Market Place in Flint Township across from Bishop Airport represents the continued expansion of the company started… Read More