Recent Stories

The Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce has teamed up with MLive Media Group to bring a new speaker series to local business owners and professionals in Flint and Genesee. First up on the agenda: Leveraging the Cloud for Small Business on May 21. “The cloud truly is a game changer for small businesses,” said George Wilkinson, Group Vice President… Read More 

The Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce Public Policy Committee (PPC) has endorsed seven candidates in the May 5 election for the Flint Charter Review Commission. The PPC is also urging the Chamber’s 1,200-plus members and affiliates in Flint & Genesee, as well as all voters to vote “yes” on Proposal 1. (more…) Read More 

You ought to be in pictures. Chances are – if you’ve attended any Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce events lately – you are! We’ve added a new gallery to the Chamber’s website home page that features photos from Chamber events, including our monthly Lunch is on Us outings, After Hours Wine Down, the Annual Meeting, the Young Professionals Committee’s… Read More 

The average, full-time employee in the United States already works about 47 hours a week, but research shows that there may be reasons to team up with co-workers after hours as well. In 2010, a study from the University of Pretoria - South Africa found that colleagues who participated in a company-sponsored sports team gained trust and respect for each… Read More 

If you like working with youth and are looking for a job, the YouthQuest afterschool enrichment program has an opportunity for you. The YouthQuest program has immediate openings for site team leaders and learning guides that will be up for grabs during an invitation-only job fair on Friday, May 15. To be eligible for the job fair, interested applicants must… Read More 

More than a dozen Genesee County employers have been selected to provide jobs for hundreds of teens in the 2015 Summer Youth Initiative (SYI) administered by the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce. Through SYI, local businesses can hire area students during the summer for half or less of their normal hiring and employment costs. By hiring SYI applicants, employers… Read More