The National Geographic Society recently named Willie Buford an Education Fellow. As an Education Fellow, Buford will support innovative project development and project leadership, share expertise on an emerging issue or priority and help incubate new ideas for improving K-12 geographic education.
“I am excited to for the opportunities that will come with this fellowship,” says Buford. “I am looking forward to a great year doing great work.”
Specifically, Buford will be working with National Geographic staff this year focusing on connecting afterschool educators to National Geographic resources and programs in collaboration with the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. Throughout the fellowship, Buford will receive training and support from National Geographic to help elevate his work.
“We had an opportunity to bring the Explorer Classroom into Flint Southwestern Classical Academy where students got to speak to a real-life explorer,” says Buford. “The students loved it and I am excited to bring more opportunities like this to afterschool programs across the country.”
Over the course of the year, opportunities such as the Explorer Classroom will become more available to afterschool programs including YouthQuest.
YouthQuest is made possible through the generous support of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and 21st Century Community Learning Centers.