No one knows Flint and Genesee County like the people who live and work here. And there’s no one who could better imagine what the community could be in the future. That’s why all community members are invited to attend the Forward Together Visioning Summit on May 14.
The event, to be held from 6-8 p.m. in the Baker College-Flint gymnasium, is part of a community-driven effort to establish a common economic vision to drive Genesee County forward. The process is being led by a 24-member, citizen steering committee and managed by the City of Flint, Genesee County and Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce.
“There is a lot of economic support that comes into Genesee County,” says Tyler Rossmaessler, director of Economic Development at the Flint & Genesee Chamber. “Our aim is to develop a community-driven focus on what happens to that funding in order to create an economically vibrant future for our children.”
To do this, the planning team needs community feedback, which will be used to create the foundation for a countywide economic vision statement and direct the next phases of the Forward Together process.
That’s where the summit comes in, says Rossmaessler. Through interactive presentations and roundtable discussions, the meeting will ask participants to think deeply about the future of the community with questions such as:
- Where are our greatest opportunities?
- What is holding us back?
- Who needs to be involved?
- What is our potential?
All community input will be recorded, databased, categorized and analyzed by the planning team. This process will be documented in summary memos after each community meeting.
The summit is open to anyone and everyone who cares about Genesee County. Pre-registration is not required but is encouraged. Pizza will be provided.
To register or learn more, visit forwardtogethergenesee.org.