On May 20, YouthQuest students, parents and staff gathered at the US 23 Digital Drive-In Theatre to celebrate the end of the school year.
“We wanted to provide an opportunity for our families, staff and partners to celebrate the end of a difficult school year in a safe environment,” says Nefertari Jones, program director of afterschool education for Flint & Genesee Education & Talent. “The US 23 Drive-In allowed us to be able to spread out and set up socially distanced, fun-filled activities, high energy games and a family-friendly movie for our families.”
During the event, students were able to enjoy inflatable games such as limbo and basketball before they enjoyed watching a showing of “Sing!” Additionally, families had the opportunity to win prize baskets through a raffle over a dozen prizes given out.
In addition to all the fun, YouthQuest was able to partner with Flint Fresh Mobile Market and give fresh food away for families to enjoy healthy meals and Flint Community Education Initiative providing resources for YouthQuest families.
Families appreciated the opportunity to celebrate the end of the year. Sparkle Taylor, whose children Jayden and Jeremy attend YouthQuest at Doyle Ryder Elementary, shares that there was never a dull moment throughout the event.
“It was a wonderful night,” says Taylor. “All of the different vendors were wonderful and having the fruits and vegetables from Flint Fresh there was great!”
She states that her children had a great time watching robotics demonstrations and getting a caricature picture painted. The event was a bonus to a program that she feels helps her children greatly.
“YouthQuest definitely benefits them,” says Taylor. “When I get home from work, they’re going over homework or working on games that help keep their minds sharp.”
For more information on YouthQuest, visit yquest.org.
YouthQuest is made possible through the generous support of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and 21st Century Community Learning Centers.