Recent Stories

On the Job: Damontai Richard
TeenQuest graduate Damontai Richard is hard at work following his dreams of working in the fashion industry. He is currently getting ready to produce his first fashion show on March 14 at the Greater Flint Arts Council. “The aim of my fashion show is to bring up the people in Flint in the fashion industry and provide the resources they… Read More 

Stay Healthy During National Nutrition Month
March is National Nutrition Month—a time to focus on the importance of making informed food choices, developing sound eating and physical activity habits. “One of our key components in YouthQuest is nutrition and nutrition education,” says Nefertari Jones, program director for YouthQuest. “It is important to teach students to eat healthy at a young age in order for them to… Read More 

Scholarship Roundup for Genesee County Students
With so many application deadlines fast approaching, March is a great time to start searching and applying for scholarships for college. Not sure where to start? The Community Foundation of Greater Flint administers several scholarship funds established by donors primarily benefiting students across Genesee County. These scholarships range from small one-time awards to larger multi-year awards and are often designated… Read More 

New research from New American Economy finds that immigrants contribute $2.1 billion in state and local taxes and hold $18.4 billion in spending power Lansing, Michigan — Today, a coalition of business and industry leaders came together at the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce to launch the Michigan Compact on Immigration, a set of key principles outlining the need for smart immigration… Read More