Recent Stories

Amari Green
(FLINT, Mich., June 1, 2020) The Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce today announced Amari Green, a graduating senior at Southwestern Classical Academy, as the recipient of the 2020 Katharine Roat Stevens Scholarship. The scholarship fund is held at the Community Foundation of Greater Flint and managed by the Flint & Genesee Chamber Foundation, a supporting organization of the Flint… Read More 

6 Things You Can Buy at the Flint Farmers’ Market
On Tuesday, June 2 the Flint Farmers’ Market will reopen their doors for the first time since March with new guidelines for vendors and customers. The Market will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. while still offering curbside pickup on Saturdays with pre-ordering online on Wednesdays. Guidelines include: Wearing a mask or face covering… Read More 

FACES of Flint & Genesee Business: Deborah Johnson, Citizens Statewide Security, Inc.
In 2003, after working in the security sector in the Flint area for six years, Deborah Johnson and her husband, Michael, decided to take the business into their own hands. “Why not go out on a limb?” says Johnson. “Isn’t that where the fruit is?” Working in their basement, the couple launched Citizens Statewide Security, Inc. “We started with the… Read More 

Kick Off Memorial Weekend at the Drive-In
The US-23 Digital Drive-In Theater will open its gates on Friday, May 22 with new social distancing guidelines put in place. According to a Facebook post, new rules and regulations include opening at half capacity, a $5 surcharge per vehicle and surgical masks provided with ticket costs and requiring customers to say inside their vehicle instead of in lawn chairs.… Read More 

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended everything, including perhaps people’s trust in the places and spaces where they work. As businesses prepare to reopen, while the public health crisis persists, discussions have understandably focused on how to bring people back into the workplace with the proper safeguards.

Inside Business spoke with several local architects about what the return to a traditional work environment means from a design standpoint to protect employees from the transmission of infectious diseases.

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Is your company missing out on an untapped talent pool? Research from Accenture, in partnership with Disability:IN and the American Association of People with Disabilities, suggests that you might be. According to Getting to Equal: The Disability Inclusion Advantage, only 29 percent of Americans with disabilities (ages 16-64) participated in the workforce in July 2018. In contrast, 75 percent of… Read More