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On the Job: Kamora Harden
Northwestern High School graduate Kamora Harden found her passion during her second year in Summer Youth Initiative. “I worked at Super Summer Success reading program (through the Flint Public Library),” Harden says. “It was my first opportunity to work with children. Working with the teachers, I realized that was something I could do.” Now, Harden works for the Genesee Intermediate… Read More 

Teen Perspective: Black Lives Matter Protests
Since May 26, 2020, communities have been coming together to protest police brutality in the United States, specifically that toward the Black community. Protests have been organized in every state in the nation. In Flint, many peaceful protests have been, and continue to be held, to seek justice for those who have been most affected by police brutality in this… Read More 

YouthQuest Helps Combat the Summer Slide—at Home
For the first time ever, YouthQuest is going virtual for its summer session. “It’s important to provide a way for students to continue to learn throughout the summer,” says Nefertari Jones, program director for YouthQuest. “This year, more than ever, we need to help combat the summer slide and prepare students for their next school year.” The “summer slide” refers… Read More 

Kyle McCree was appointed to the Michigan Board of Pharmacy by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. McCree, a community affairs manager for Consumers Energy, is appointed to represent the general public for a term commencing June 25, 2020 and expiring June 30, 2021.

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Several southern and western states are experiencing spikes in new cases of the coronavirus. While experts are not exactly sure why these states are seeing an uptick in cases, lifting of lockdown restrictions, isolated outbreaks and the virus catching up to communities previously not impacted may play a role. While Michigan has seen a steady decline in cases over the… Read More 

By Jordan Fuller In the right situation, under the right circumstances, playing golf could very possibly be considered work and not just for the professional golfer. No matter the industry, personal relationships are very important and golf can be an extremely effective networking tool. There’s an old saying, “it’s not what you know but who you know,” and in its… Read More