Recent Stories

The Flint & Genesee Chamber has long focused on the importance of bolstering the region’s workforce by offering a variety of professional development courses and workshops for individuals and employees of local businesses. This mission has now expanded with an emphasis on supplementing talent attraction and retention efforts to support the region’s business community.

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Five Genesee County restaurants win $1,000 each through ‘Spread the Cheer’ Sweepstakes
As part of the Flint & Genesee Chamber’s “Spread the Cheer Sweepstakes,” held at the end of 2020, community members were asked to answer the following question: “If you could give some extra love to any independently owned business in Flint and Genesee County this holiday season, which would it be?” Over the course of five weeks, the Chamber received… Read More 

Achieve a superior level of guest service in Flint & Genesee by becoming a CTA
Explore Flint & Genesee has announced the 2021 class dates for the Certified Tourism Ambassador (CTA) program, an industry-recognized certification for the nation’s hospitality frontline staff. The Flint & Genesee CTA program is a multifaceted course that serves to increase tourism by inspiring frontline employees and volunteers to turn every visitor encounter into a positive experience. A visitor that enjoys… Read More 

We all know that 2020 was a year like no other. Small businesses went through some really tough times last year. Due to COVID-19 operating restrictions and safety protocols, many lost the ability to serve their customers in ways that they are accustomed to, resulting in lost revenue, and some employees lost their jobs. Students had to learn how to… Read More 

YouthQuest Highlights: December 2020
Changing it Up To keep learning exciting at Eisenhower Elementary, learning guides took turns teaching students during homework help. Lead Learning Guide India Boone had the idea to change things up after realizing students were becoming complacent in the way she was teaching during this time slot. In order to keep students engaged, she decided to involve other learning guides… Read More