Recent Stories

The economic rebound that’s underway has a number of local manufacturers in search of talent to fill openings for entry-level, skilled trades and managerial positions. Job seekers on May 10, from 9 a.m. to noon, can explore all the open positions at the virtual Manufacturing Career Fair. The participating employers include Avancez Assembly LLC; Domico Med-Device; Fernco, Inc.; General Motors-Flint… Read More 

FACES of Flint & Genesee: Steve Heddy, Artistic Decorating
For Steve Heddy, the painters’ trade goes back four generations starting with his great grandfather, who was a painter in Illinois. In the 1920s, his grandfather brought his nine children to Flint during the automotive boom. Almost all his sons followed him into the painter’s trade, except for Heddy’s father. “My father worked for Bell Telephone Company,” says Heddy. “But… Read More 

Round II of the ‘Our Town’ Gift Card Match Program kicks off today
Consumers Energy donates $55,000 to jumpstart small businesses affected by COVID-19 through gift card program The ‘Our Town’ Gift Match program is ready to roll again. Thanks to the success and popularity of the first Our Town program in February, Consumers Energy is getting back together with the Flint & Genesee Chamber, a division of the Flint & Genesee Group,… Read More