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“We congratulate U.S. Representative Dale Kildee on his much deserved retirement. He has had a distinguished career in public service with unparalleled accomplishments. “For 36 years, he has been a significant force in Michigan and the nation, working tirelessly for his constituency. He has been a longtime partner to the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce, working with us on… Read More 

For those who have not ventured into downtown Flint, Michigan for the last few years, or those who have never had the pleasure of visiting this historic city, there is much to be discovered.  Thanks to major restoration and renovation work that has been underway for several years, the City of Flint is not only being restored to its former glory,… Read More 

A 2011 recipient of the Trade and Industry Development Magazine CiCi Award, Diplomat Specialty Pharmacy was honored for positively impacting the local economy and community in Genesee County. Diplomat was chosen from hundreds of candidates to be one of 15 most impactful economic development projects in the nation.   (more…) Read More 

PTAC Hosts SBA Women-owned Business Training (FLINT, MICH. – JULY 7) Are you a woman business owner with an interest in expanding your business through government contracting?  Have you considered learning more about how to become eligible to participate in federal government contracting opportunities?  On Tuesday, July 12, to help women-owned businesses gain access to federal government opportunities, the Procurement… Read More