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IRS issues cost-of-living adjustments for 2012 tax year Although most Americans will not have to worry about 2012 taxes until early 2013 when 2012 tax returns are due, self-employed individuals or anyone who must pay quarterly tax payments will want to plan ahead. And there's good news for those that do. The IRS recently announced cost-of-living adjustments for the 2012… Read More 

[caption id="attachment_1525" align="alignright" width="300" caption="YouthQuest students and a "tour guide" check out art work on display at the May 19, 2011 ArtQuest: An Exhibition Expedition event."][/caption] The Genesee Chamber Foundation (GCF) and the Genesee Area Focus Fund (GAFF) recently received grants to support YouthQuest activities from the Jennings Memorial Foundation and the Greater Flint Arts Council (GFAC) respectively.  The $7,500… Read More 

The State of Michigan’s Pure Michigan Talent Connect will host the state’s first virtual career fair on Wednesday, February 15.  The fair will be live from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and is designed to connect talented IT and high tech professionals with employers. The MiVirtualCareerFair: IT and High Tech kicks off a series of virtual career fairs scheduled to… Read More 

The Daily Beast, an online news site, named Flint one of the Best Healthcare Cities for 2012.  The list, which includes the top 25 cities with the most comprehensive overall health-care coverage, the most comprehensive coverage for the very young and the very old and the most comprehensive coverage for the disabled, was compiled using census data. (more…) Read More