Recent Stories

While most kids have fond memories of riding their bicycles, statistics show that thousands of kids head to the emergency room every year due to bike accidents.  Unsafe practices are often the cause. Recognizing this, YouthQuest, an afterschool program managed by the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce will host the first of two Bike Rodeos on September 26, from 4:30… Read More 

[caption id="attachment_1025" align="alignright" width="115" caption="Tim Herman, CEO"][/caption] In late September, the Regional Chamber along with our Public Policy Committee, Landaal Packaging and ITT Tech will host a “meet and mingle” event with you, our members and individuals who are running for political office. We’re calling it “Meet the Candidates”. This is an important opportunity and I strongly encourage you to… Read More 

Department of Natural Resources Funds Program Harvesting crops, cutting down trees, clearing debris and boarding buildings are among the many things that Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce teen employees accomplished this summer on behalf of local nonprofits.  Eighty teen employees worked for organizations across Genesee County as part of a program funded through a grant from the Michigan Department of… Read More 

Regional Chamber African American Advisory Committee Hosts Lunch On Friday, September 28 the Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce African American Advisory Committee will host a Lunch & Learn event, “Do You Know How Your Business is Being Affected by Politics?”  The event takes place from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Riverfront Student Center at the University of Michigan-Flint… Read More