Recent Stories

Flint native and highly successful entrepreneur W. David Tarver will soon be center stage in the Flint area.  The Flint Public Library and the Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce are sponsoring an event featuring the entrepreneur turn author on Thursday, November 29. It will include a reception, a lecture and book signing, which begins at 5:00 p.m. Tarver has published… Read More 

The Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce Public Policy Committee recently announced its opposition to Proposal 3, the Michigan Energy, Michigan Jobs (MEMJ) ballot initiative known as 25 x ’25 and has joined the Michigan Clean Affordable Renewable Energy (CARE) coalition. The November 6, 2012 ballot initiative proposes a constitutional amendment that would require utility companies to obtain at least 25… Read More 

State Webinars October 24 &31; TARDEC Workshop October 25; PTAC Seminar November 1 The Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce Procurement Technical Assistance Center’s (PTAC) will partner with the State of Michigan to present a webinar series on October 24 and 31 and will also host a Selling your Products or Services to the Government workshop on November 1.  The workshop… Read More 

Check out these articles that may prove helpful as you run your business, or provide leadership tips and strategies or spur creativity in your organization.  The articles were selected from a variety of publications and Websites such as Fortune, Inc., Fast Company, Inc., New York Times and Wall Street Journal. We hope you find these links informative.  Let us know… Read More 

Departmental Collaboration Rolled Out for Local Business and Civic Leaders (FLINT, MICH)  On Wednesday, nearly 100 local business and civic leaders were on hand as the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce along with other Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) Region 8 Partners hosted the Pure Michigan Economic Growth Executive Group (EGEG) Road Show at the offices of the Flint… Read More 

[caption id="attachment_1025" align="alignright" width="115" caption="Tim Herman, CEO"] [/caption] Over the past few months we have seen many signs of economic progress in Flint-Genesee County.  Businesses are investing in the region through expansion projects and new construction, and we are forming economic development partnerships at the state and national level. (more…) Read More