Recent Stories

Annual Golf Classic Comes to Flushing Valley Country Club June 14  (FLINT, MICH. - June 11) On Friday, June 14, the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce Annual Golf Classic will tee off at Flushing Valley Country Club in Flushing.  The Golf Classic brings together business leaders from throughout the region to foster networking and camaraderie. The winning team will… Read More 

By Tim Herman, Chamber CEO Public policy advocacy is an important part of our leadership in Flint and Genesee County.  As the region’s lead business and economic development organization, it’s important for you to know the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce stands up for our members. We address issues that affect job providers, and engage in the legislative and… Read More 

The Flint Public Library recently launched a Reimagining Flint Book and Author Series.  The series features several books focused on the current state of Flint and future possibilities. Featured authors include: John Gallagher, Revolution Detroit: Strategies for Urban Reinvention and Reimagining Detroit:  Opportunities for Redefining an American City Gordon Young, Tear-down: Memoir of a Vanishing City Mark Binelli, Detroit City… Read More 

Cumulus Media recently launched a new Flint-based job posting website to help Michigan companies hire Michigan workers. is designed to provide a site for local job seekers to register, post resumes and search available positions free of charge.  Companies looking to hire can also register and post positions on the site. For more information contact Bobby Nie at (810)… Read More 

Tuesday, June 25 – 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. – Bavarian Inn Restaurant   Join the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce at the June After Hours Wine Down on Tuesday, June 25 as they join forces with the Great Lakes Bay Regional Chambers to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Bavarian Inn Restaurant in Frankenmuth.  Enjoy the history and… Read More