Recent Stories

YouthQuest Highlights: October 2021
Let There Be Light During the month of October, YouthQuest sites participated in a variety of events to celebrate Lights on Afterschool, a nationwide event to celebrate and advocate for afterschool programs. During the events, students were able to participate in fun family festivals, Halloween-themed drive-thru events and more. In addition to the events, Lights on Afterschool Day was declared… Read More 

On the Job: Dennis Williams-Michell
Eight years ago, Dennis Williams-Mitchell was a freshman taking TeenQuest at Grand Blanc High School. At the time, he had no idea that he would one day be facilitating the program with his former facilitator and mentor Richard Hatcher. “It is an amazing feeling coming back and being able to teach others the same things that got me to where… Read More 

Five Things to Know to Succeed in an Interview
Finding a job can be difficult. According to Zippia, a job search website, an individual will, on average, get one interview for every six applications they complete. So, when you get an interview, it is important to be prepared. “Preparing for an interview is one of the major components of TeenQuest’s pre-employment training,” says James Avery, director of Talent Development… Read More 

Future Entrepreneurs: YQ Biz Kicks off for YouthQuest High School Students
Once again, YouthQuest is participating in YQ Biz in conjunction with Genesee Intermediate School District (GISD) and Youth Entrepreneurial Institute (YEI). The program, which has evolved over the years, allows students to create and run businesses over the course of the school year, selling real products and making actual money. “YQ Biz is a great opportunity for our students to… Read More 

National Scholarship Month: Local Scholarship Students Can Take Advantage Of
Did you know that November is National Scholarship Month?  The month aims to build awareness of scholarships and celebrate the common goal of getting students to and through college. There is a significant need for scholarships to help students attend school. According to Think Impact, a free source for education and career-related statistics, in 2020, 58 percent of families used… Read More