Recent Stories

Teens are preparing for employment through the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce’s TeenQuest Program, a pre-employability leadership training program. The third session for Genesee County high school students runs from January 13 through February 13, 2014. The program is designed to help students develop the necessary skills to prepare for a job, get a job and keep a job.… Read More 

To become a member, contact Debbie Garrison at (810) 600-1416 or  or Susana Wight at (810) 600-1408 or . (more…) Read More 

Check out these articles that may prove helpful as you run your business or provide leadership tips and strategies or spur creativity in your organization.  The articles were selected from a variety of publications and Websites such as Fortune, Inc., Fast Company, Inc., New York Times and Wall Street Journal.  We hope you find these links informative.  Let us know… Read More Read More 

(FLINT, Mich., Dec. 10, 2013) -- The Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce is offering a third session of TeenQuest, a pre-employability leadership training program for Genesee County high school students, January 13 through February 13, 2014. The program is designed to help students develop the necessary skills to prepare for a job, get a job and keep a job.… Read More 

(FLINT, Mich. Dec. 9, 2013) The November and December SEE Photography Contest deadlines have been combined for judging at the end of December. Photographers who submitted photos in November are encouraged to re-submit them. A web site issue that has been resolved resulted in some lost submissions in November. The deadline for November and December submissions is December 31. Indoors,… Read More