Recent Stories

[caption id="attachment_3909" align="alignright" width="115"] Tim Herman, CEO[/caption] Preparation and planning paid off as more than 400 business and community partners joined the Flint & Genesee Chamber at our recent Annual Meeting. It was a great celebration of our 2013 results and the progress the region is making toward economic growth and revitalization. As we took a look back, we saw… Read More 

Last year, the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce Economic Development group collaborated with community partners on retention/expansion and attraction projects that totaled $442 million in investment and contract value for Genesee County.  The 2013 investment amount is a 455 percent increase over the year before.  The 25 investment projects also generated an estimated $246.3 in annual payroll. The announcement… Read More 

Shirley Kautman’s friends always considered her a great cook. In fact, she found herself frequently providing her co-workers and friends with spices and recipes for use at home. Kautman was a full-time bank employee when she started Country Home Creations (CHC) from her kitchen in the early '80s. Today, CHC is a global business offering more than 100 products, including… Read More 

Businesses in Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce can hire area students during the summer for half or less of their normal hiring and employment costs through the Summer Youth Initiative (SYI), a program of the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce. By hiring SYI applicants, employers have the opportunity to employ teens who are ages 14-18 and in grades… Read More 

Tourism in Flint & Genesee County generated $123 million in economic impact due to overnight hotel room rentals in Genesee County in 2013, according to the Flint & Genesee Convention & Visitors Bureau (FGCVB). Additionally, hotel occupancy was 54.4 percent, a 1.5 percent increase over the previous year, and lodging revenue rose 4.8 percent in 2013. Supporting the FGCVB efforts… Read More