Recent Stories

On the Job: Jazzmin Scott
TeenQuest graduate Jazzmin Scott works in human resources – a career pathway she discovered while in the Summer Youth Initiative program. “I found out I wanted to work in HR after working at Mott Community College in the career resource center,” says Scott. “I loved the idea of helping people find employment.” Scott’s 10-year plan is to open her own… Read More 

Education & Talent Providing Career Training to Teens, Adults
Flint & Genesee Education & Talent has a variety of services and programs available to those in Flint and Genesee County. This includes TeenQuest, YouthQuest, Summer Youth Initiative and Flint Promise. However, there is one longstanding service that continues to be offered to Genesee County students. “Career preparation was one of the first services we offered,” says James Avery, director… Read More 

Meet Our New Director of Afterschool Education
In January, Flint & Genesee Education & Talent welcomed a new director of afterschool education to the team. Leslie Davis (née Miller) has more than 20 years of experience working in education, most recently as the Title 1 coordinator for Oak Park Schools. She holds a Master of Science in educational leadership from Western Governors University, a Master of Arts… Read More 

Why We Teach African American History
The month of February marks National Black History Month in the United States – a month dedicated to honoring the triumphs and struggles of African Americans throughout U.S. history. However, teaching African American History must be integrated throughout the year, not just for one month. “Although we focus some activities on African American history during February, we want to ensure… Read More 

FACES of Flint & Genesee Business: Nicole Goetz, VP Total Solutions
In October 2020, Nicole Goetz stepped into the role of president for VP Total Solutions, a staffing company based in Genesee County. “Being with the company for 10 years, I felt like I knew the business well,” says Goetz. “When the opportunity to take over and grow VP Total Solutions came, I jumped on it.” The first thing Goetz aimed… Read More