Recent Stories

Each month hundreds of Chamber members network at a member location in Flint & Genesee. Hosts for these events have an opportunity to expose their goods and services to a wide range of potential customers. The Chamber is currently seeking hosts for 2015 Lunch is on Us and After Hours Wine Down networking events. Both events draw a wide range… Read More 

YouthQuest, a comprehensive, free afterschool program of the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce, will be offered in all Flint Community Schools starting this fall. For the first time, the YouthQuest program will also be offered to high school students, at Flint’s Northwestern High School and Southwestern Classical Academy. The original K-8 YouthQuest program, which serves more than 2,000 students… Read More 

You have a chance to help pick the Artomotive “People’s Choice” winner during this week’s Back to the Bricks festival in downtown Flint.  Juried voting in the automotive-themed art competition was completed August 8. Artomotive car hoods will be on display from noon-8 p.m. each day through Friday, and up until noon on Saturday, at the First Street Lofts on… Read More 

TeenQuest, the pre-employment leadership training program, is accepting applications from youths ages 14-18, grades 9-12 for the fall training class. The fall session begins Monday, Sept.  15., and concludes on Thursday, Oct. 16. Applications will be accepted through the first day of the fall session. “We are just wrapping up an extremely successful summer session of TeenQuest, and I’m confident… Read More 

Looking to learn more about management, compliance, safety or software?  Then check out the full offering of Coggno training available through the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce. Coggno is an online, on-demand program offering thousands of training courses for employee development and certification in a variety of categories, including Human Resources, Compliance, Workplace Safety, Software, Business Management and more.… Read More 

The Flint and Genesee Chamber of Commerce Procurement and Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) will present the 4 Steps to Government Contracting Success on Wednesday, August 20 from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce offices in downtown Flint. Learn how to prepare, register, research and submit government contracting proposals.  The PTAC team of knowledgeable… Read More