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Check out these articles that may prove helpful as you run your business, provide leadership tips and strategies or spur creativity in your organization. The articles were selected from a variety of publications and websites such as Fortune, Inc., Fast Company, New York Times and Wall Street Journal. We hope you find these links informative. Let us know what you… Read More 

(FLINT, Mich., Jan. 14, 2015) – When Aaron Burden of Flint accepted the challenge to photograph his view of Flint & Genesee, he hit the ground – literally – and it paid off. Burden’s photo “Autumn Leaves” is the first-place winner of the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce 2014 SEE Photography Contest. The photo was taken from ground level… Read More 

(FLINT, Mich., Jan. 5, 2015) – For teens putting “gain new business skills” on top of their resolutions list for 2015, the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce can help. The TeenQuest pre-employment and leadership program will offer its no-cost training in business etiquette when a new session begins Monday, Jan. 12, at five Genesee County locations. (more…) Read More 

As the business world continues to evolve, we must change with it as appropriate.  However, our team at the Flint & Genesee Chamber fully understands one thing that remains the same for most businesses, and that’s the need to increase profits -- whether that is through more sales, more efficient ways to deliver goods and services or simply increasing traffic… Read More 

The I-69 Thumb Region’s logistics and distribution market is growing rapidly according to a recent study by The Corradino Group (Click here for full report). The Kentucky project management company researches areas of potential growth in public and private sectors. The results of a study conducted this year in partnership with the economic organization IHS Global Insight revealed that the … Read More