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Check out these articles that may prove helpful as you run your business, provide leadership tips and strategies or spur creativity in your organization. The articles were selected from a variety of publications and websites such as Fortune, Inc., Fast Company, New York Times and Wall Street Journal. We hope you find these links informative. Let us know what you think! How One Simple Change Can… Read More 

(FLINT, Mich., Feb. 13, 2015) – The I-69 Thumb Region is fertile ground for growing Michigan’s existing agribusiness to new heights. How to capitalize on that rich potential is the focus of the I-69 Thumb Region Agribusiness Forum to be held February 19 from 12:30-4:30 p.m. at the Lapeer Country Club, 3784 Hunt Road, in Lapeer. (more…) Read More 

Home Health Care Expert Mark Rice Keynotes; Small Business Awards Presentation  (FLINT, MICH. – February 11, 2014) Entrepreneurs and small business owners can gain the knowledge and resources needed to start a business during the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce eTEAM’s eighth annual Jumpstart Conference.  The conference, which takes place on Thursday, February 26 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30… Read More