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THA Architects Engineers celebrates 65 years of excellence
THA Architects Engineers proudly announced that it has crossed another milestone in the firm’s history. This year marks our 65th anniversary of serving its clients with integrity and design excellence. “At THA, we are passionate about creating. Creating relationships built on integrity,” said Madonna Bennett, president. “Creating innovative solutions to your project needs. Creating sustainable buildings that stand the test… Read More 

Business News - June 9, 2022

The Community Foundation of Greater Flint (CFGF) announced the hiring of Jaclyn Ermoyan as communications officer. Ermoyan comes to the organization with over five years of public relations and communications experience.

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The future is bright for Flint Promise graduates
Four years ago, Percivierre Whitmore was in his final year at Mott Middle College. He was graduating with both a high school diploma and an associate degree but wasn’t sure what his next step should be. And then he heard about Flint Promise. The scholarship program had just launched, offering students like Whitmore – who lived in and attended high… Read More