Recent Stories

(FLINT, Mich. – Feb. 19, 2016) If you’re looking to take advantage of professional development opportunities this year, the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce is a good place to start. Based on participant feedback and requests from local businesses, the organization has nearly tripled its training sessions for 2016. The release of the organization’s new business training catalog includes… Read More 

(FLINT, Mich. – Feb. 17, 2016) Entrepreneurs and small business owners can gain the knowledge and resources needed to start a business during the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce eTEAM’s ninth annual Jumpstart Conference.  This year’s conference will feature three new breakout sessions for prospective and fledgling business owners along with the annual awards luncheon to celebrate recent success… Read More 

(FLINT, Mich., February 15, 2016) –The Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce today announced continued growth in its membership, with seven area businesses joining the organization in January These new members represent a wide range of industries and are actively contributing to the success and economic activity of this region. (more…) Read More 

Flint & Genesee Chamber Members, As our community continues to work through the challenges brought about by Flint’s water emergency, I want to update you on the ongoing efforts of the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce. Over the past several weeks, the Chamber has been fully engaged in doing what it can to help businesses cope with this disaster.… Read More 

Also: American Legion of Michigan in Town for State Conference (FLINT, Mich. – Feb. 11, 2016) The bats will be swinging this weekend at the Genesee Fieldhouse where 42 teams will compete in the 9th Annual Duel in Dome. In addition, the Michigan American Legion is also holding its state convention in Mundy Township this weekend. (more…) Read More