Recent Stories

June 8, 2016 Bob Landaal spent summers during high school and college working in his grandfather’s plant at Landaal Packaging Systems, originally founded in 1959 as Flint Boxmakers. But after graduating from Western Michigan University in 1998, Bob was done with the family business. Or so he thought. “Four years into working for someone else, a lightbulb went off,” Bob… Read More 

To become a member, contact Heather Kale at  or (810) 600-1427. Acme Computer Services, LLC     P.O. Box 462 Flushing, 48433 (810) 605-5882 Contact: Doug Alexander Ad Local                 5799 South Main Street Clarkston, MI 48383 (248) 792-0389 Contact: Ben Carr (more…) Read More 

June 8, 2016 Laird, Receptec Corp. (dba Laird Technologies) intends to build a new facility in Grand Blanc Township to consolidate its existing operations and provide more room for its expanding design, engineering, research and development services. Laird’s project is expected to generate more $14.4 million and create 60 jobs. The company received a $550,000 Michigan Business Development Program performance-based… Read More 

June 8, 2016 Do you work with youth during the summer? Perhaps at a local day care, school, or enrichment program led by a community agency or faith-based organization? If so, sign up today for the Summer Learning Professionals Conference. The daylong event, to be held June 10 at Baker College in Flint, aims to provide youth educators with best… Read More 

June 8, 2016 Some government contracts are set aside for certain businesses with special certifications, such as woman-owned, small disadvantaged businesses and veteran owned. The Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZone) program helps small businesses in urban and rural communities gain preferential access to federal procurement opportunities. To learn how your business can leverage this U.S. Small Business Administration program, join… Read More