Recent Stories

SYI: More Than Just a Summer Job
Through Summer Youth Initiative (SYI), students get on-the-job experience working at organizations and businesses in Flint and Genesee County each summer. However, for some of these summer workers, their experience extends into the fall. “When our SYI partners have employments needs and students have a positive experience, we like to extend that partnership as long as we can,” says James… Read More 

Light On Afterschool: Why Afterschool Matters
Each October, afterschool programs around the country celebrate Lights On Afterschool. The nationwide rally is a yearly tradition coordinated by the Afterschool Alliance, a national nonprofit that aims to expand support for quality afterschool programs. “We participate in Lights on Afterschool each October to raise awareness of the importance of our program to Flint students,” says Dr. Kimberly Leverette, who… Read More 

FACES of Flint & Genesee Business: Ohunwa Carthan, Caribo Services
20 years ago, Ohunwa Carthan was a recently divorced single mother looking for quality, affordable housing in the Flint area. She struggled to find a place for her and her children to live and at that moment she promised herself if she ever had the chance to help people in the same situation she would. And in 2019, she got… Read More 

Lead Now 2022 kicks off with eight area professionals
Program issues RFP for nonprofits with community impact project (FLINT, Mich., Sept. 23, 2022) – Eight area professionals will spend the next eight months honing their leadership skills through Lead Now Flint & Genesee. The introspective leadership development program, which is offered through Flint & Genesee Group, kicked off its ninth cohort Sept. 16. “While the workforce landscape has changed… Read More 

Enhance your next business gathering with a speaker from Flint & Genesee Group
Are you planning a meeting or event? Consider adding a guest speaker. Guest speakers are ideal for Rotary clubs, professional associations, and business and civic organizations. Flint & Genesee Group can help you find your next speaker. The Speakers Bureau is a service that the Group continues to provide to its clients, partners and community members at no cost. The… Read More