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Flint & Genesee Chamber Welcomes New Members in March
(FLINT, Mich., April 3, 2017) –The Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce today announced continued growth in its membership, with 14 area businesses joining the organization in March. These new members represent a wide range of industries, and are actively contributing to the success and economic activity of this region. “We’re pleased to welcome our new members to the Flint… Read More 

YouthQuest’s Monthly Highlights: March 2017
LENDING A HAND Students at Freeman Elementary worked on multiple service learning projects in March. Younger students braided about 20 tug-of-war ropes for dogs at the Genesee County Humane Society in Flint. They focused on creating tight, secure braids – a practice that also helps build fine motor skills. Older students made several no-sew fleece blankets, which they will donate… Read More 

On the Job: Jerimiah Whitehead
In 2012, Jerimiah Whitehead – then a sophomore at Carman Ainsworth High School – decided to participate in TeenQuest’s summer program. A year later, he was invited to attend the Summer Youth Initiative (SYI) job fair, an invite-only event designed specifically for alumni of the pre-employment training program. He attended and ended up securing a job assisting with the day… Read More 

ArtQuest: What You Need to Know About the 2017 Exhibition
Jackson Pollock, Pablo Picasso, and Dale Chihuly are just some of the master artists that students have been studying in preparation for ArtQuest, YouthQuest’s annual art exhibition. As part of this year’s theme, “Meet the Masters,” students have learned about the history of a different artist each month and then applied that artist’s techniques to projects of their own. More… Read More