Recent Stories

Family Day in Flint
As the weather drops, so does the opportunity to spend a family day at the beach or park. Don't fret, there are still plenty of activities suited for the whole family - that won't break the bank. Here is one way you can spend a family day in Flint.    Start the day off at Totem Books. Every Saturday, Totem hosts a free Children's Storytime program at… Read More 

Art of Achievement Awards Honor Business & Hospitality Industry
This evening, the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce and the Convention and Visitors Bureau honored local businesses and hospitality providers for their contributions to the wellbeing and success of the region in 2017. A sold-out crowd of about 350 people gathered at the Flint Institute of Arts where Master of Ceremonies Steve Landaal, President of Landaal Packaging Systems and… Read More 

Placemaking: A Look at the Last 10 Years
New Placemaking Report Released at News Event in Flint (FLINT, Mich., Nov. 9, 2017) – Ten years ago, very few knew the term “placemaking” and what it meant for Michigan’s future. Today, placemaking isn’t just a word, it’s a way of life for many people and communities. That’s most certainly the case for downtown Flint. A new report, “A Decade… Read More 

People enjoying coffee in the Flint and Genesee Chamber lobby
(FLINT, Mich., Nov. 8, 2017) –The Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce today announced continued growth in its membership, with eight area businesses joining the organization in October. These new members represent a wide range of industries, and are actively contributing to the success and economic activity of this region. “We’re pleased to welcome our new members to the Flint… Read More 

FACES of Flint & Genesee: Mary Webber of L&R Human Resource Consulting
Mary Webber realized early on that she had a passion — and talent — for teaching, inspiring and motivating people. "When I was teaching business at Louisiana State University-Shreveport, I invited one of the directors of the Small Business Development Center to speak to my class," Webber says. "He arrived earlier than I anticipated and sat in on my other… Read More 

6 Locally-Owned Bookstores to Explore in Flint & Genesee
There is something about walking into local bookstores that gives you a feeling of nostalgia. The smell of printed paper hits you as soon as you walk through the door and every book you've ever read floods back your mind.   However, it isn't just the books that keep people coming back. These local shops are a place to explore, gather and discover something new. See for yourself at one… Read More