Recent Stories

Flint & Genesee Group Holiday Hours
The Flint & Genesee Group office is open by appointment only Monday, December 13, 2023 through Thursday, December 21, 2023; Wednesday, December 27, 2023; and Thursday, December 28, 2023.  Please call (810) 600-1404 to schedule an appointment. The office is closed for the holidays: Friday, December 22, 2023 Monday, December 25, 2023 Tuesday, December 26, 2023 Friday, December 29, 2023… Read More 

Forward Together: Flint & Genesee’s progress in becoming a top-five county by 2040
Over the course of the last few months, Flint & Genesee Group COO Kristina Johnston has been doing a “road show” for local municipalities and other groups across the county. The presentation shares  progress made on Forward Together, an economic vitality plan that aims to make Genesee County a top-five community in Michigan based on jobs, talent, livability and equity… Read More 

CEO BLOG: Signs of forward momentum in 2022
Momentum continued in 2022 despite the backdrop of inflation, talent shortage and supply chain disruptions. And as we come to the end of year, it’s a good time to reflect on the journey. As the Genesee County economy continues to recover, we are seeing signs of forward momentum in a variety of ways, most recently through development activity. For example,… Read More 

To our 2022 funders: Thank you!
Flint & Genesee Group would like to thank the organizations, foundations, businesses, and individual donors that made contributions in 2022 to support the efforts of the Group and its divisions. “Over the past year, our funding partners and donors have helped us deliver a variety of programs and services designed to strengthen the local economy, build our workforce and improve… Read More 

Business News - December 14, 2022
[caption id="attachment_62388" align="alignright" width="150"] Michele Krzisnik[/caption] Flint City AFC has tabbed five decorated Michigan Hawks (ECNL) coaches to form a new coaching staff beginning with the club’s 2023 season in the prestigious pre-professional USL W League. The head coach is Michele Krzisnik. The coaching staff will aslo include two USSF ‘A’ licensed associate head coaches: Doug Landefeld and Adil Salmoni,… Read More 

FACES of Flint & Genesee Business: Cynthia & Chris Marlowe, M.A.C. Transport, Inc.
Based out of Burton, M.A.C. Transport, Inc.’s roots began in the 1940s with Chris Marlowe’s great-grandfather was a pig farmer. As a pig farmer, he would collect food scraps from his neighbors to feed his livestock. When that became undoable due to regulation changes, the neighbors were still in the market for waste removal. So, the pig farm turned into… Read More