Recent Stories

A Student’s Perspective: What I Learned in TeenQuest
Each year, hundreds of Genesee County teens learn important life and work skills through the TeenQuest pre-employment program. Recently, one of those students, Arcadien White, asked TeenQuest Facilitator James Washington to stop by Atlantis Alternative High School because he had something to give him. When Washington arrived, White handed him a letter. Here’s what the TeenQuest graduate had to say:… Read More 

Longway Planetarium, Sloan*Longway, Flint Cultural Center, Flint Michigan
What is it like to travel in space? What do the stars look like in the January sky? These are some of the questions YouthQuest students will consider with this month’s theme: Outer Space. “We are kicking off the year by studying outer space,” says Rhetta Hunyady, Vice President of Education & Training at the Flint and Genesee Chamber of… Read More 

On the Job: Haylee Sweeney
For Haylee Sweeney, participating in TeenQuest was a crucial step toward her future. “Before I participated in TeenQuest, I thought I would end up with a mediocre job,” says Sweeney, who graduated in 2017 from Lakeville Memorial High School. Thankfully for Sweeney, that didn’t happen. Instead, through Summer Youth Initiative, she worked for Genesee County Parks at Genesee Otter Lake… Read More 

YouthQuest Highlights: December 2017
TRAMPOLINE SCIENCE After completing a two-week lesson on the science of trampolines, students at Northwestern High School visited SkyZone Trampoline Park, where they used the scientific method to research questions and present their findings. For example, students made predictions on who could jump the highest based on height, weight and force. Their conclusions were based on the data they collected,… Read More 

3 Facts About Flint’s New Early Childhood Education Center
Last month, a state-of-the-art early childhood education center opened its doors on the grounds of Durant-Tuuri-Mott Elementary. The facility, called Educare Flint, provides free education for children ages two months to five years old and ensures that students and their families receive all the support needed to grow up safe, healthy and eager to learn. Here’s what you need to… Read More 

4 Resolutions for 2018 & How to Keep Them
A new year has begun; now is the time to focus on change. Deciding on a new year’s resolution can be difficult, especially knowing that half of all resolutions fail. However, if you find a resolution that is simple and obtainable – you are more likely to keep it. We looked at some common new year resolutions and found ways… Read More