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FACES of Flint & Genesee: Amanda Szumowicz, Wears Like New
When Amanda Szumowicz was 15 years old, she started her first job at local consignment shop Wears Like New. Little did she know, she was starting her path to business ownership. She worked her way up through management and in 2017 – when the previous owner sought to retire – Szumowicz took over. “The original owner, Sherry, was an incredible… Read More 

Machine Shop, Flint, Michigan, Things To Do in Flint and Genesee: January 16-22, 2017
Information and dates are subject to change without notice. Please call ahead to confirm. Events Attractions Art & Culture Entertainment Shopping Dining with Evening Entertainment Nightlife Download PDF Events Friday, March 2: “First Fridays: Finding the Michigan Meteor” at Longway Planetarium, 1310 E. Kearsley Street, Flint * (810) 237-3409 or (810) 237-3400 * (Event runs 6 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.) Learn how some… Read More 

Catch these art exhibits before they go
Art allows us to experience different cultures, discover our past and expose ourselves to new experiences. Immerse yourself in the art in Flint & Genesee at these galleries: Flint Institute of Arts The second largest art collection in Michigan features rotating exhibitions in their Hodge Galleries, Ann K. Walch-Chan Gallery and Graphic Gallery. Don’t miss these current exhibits: Ubuhle Women:… Read More 

Flint Firebirds
Information and dates are subject to change without notice. Please call ahead to confirm. Events Attractions Art & Culture Entertainment Shopping Dining with Evening Entertainment Nightlife Download PDF Events Wednesday, February 21: "Craft Academy: Shrinky Dinks" with Flint Handmade at The Local Grocer, 601 Martin Luther King Avenue, Flint * (810) 285-9900 * (Event runs 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.) Each participant will… Read More 

U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) today announced her New Skills for New Jobs Agenda at an event at the Genesee Career Institute in Flint. Last summer, Sen. Stabenow brought together business owners, labor leaders, educators, and parents from across the state to discuss how to meet the needs of employers and provide job opportunities for all Michigan workers and students.… Read More 

Discover these date night restaurants
With Valentine’s day approaching, we were curious – where are the best date night restaurants in Flint & Genesee? We reached out to our social media channels with the question. Here are the places they love to go: The Laundry A casual bistro experience located in Fenton serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. This great date night restaurant features a seasonally… Read More