Recent Stories

The unofficial end of summer has come, and we are less than 60 days out from a November election where voters will choose Michigan’s next governor other political and legislative leadership. As the largest business advocacy organization for Flint & Genesee businesses, the Chamber is paying close attention. Public policy has an important role in the Chamber’s strategic plan because… Read More 

To retain and attract businesses in our region, the I-69 Thumb Region partners, including the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce, and the EDA University Center for Community & Economic Development at UM-Flint are working together to gather information about the area's business climate. Business leaders who are on the front-line of these issues are encouraged to participate in the… Read More 

YouthQuest Highlights: August 2018
Exploring New Places For Summer on the Road’s end-of-the-year trip, students crossed the border to Toronto, Canada. Students visited the CN tower where they walked out on the glass platform. They also viewed the Toronto skyline from the edge of Lake Ontario and had dinner at Medieval Times. Students were apprehensive about the new experiences but, by the end of… Read More 

TeenQuest, YouthQuest to Benefit from Ally Challenge’s ‘Birdies for Charity’
This month, 78 golf professionals will compete for a $2-million purse during the Ally Challenge presented by McLaren at Warwick Hills Golf & Country Club. During the tournament, the Genesee Area Focus Fund (GAFF), the nonprofit arm of the Flint & Genesee Chamber, will also have a chance to benefit from the players’ performance. GAFF supports afterschool and pre-employment programs… Read More 

On the Job: Amario Payton-Rice
In college, Amario Payton-Rice began his academic career studying physical therapy. But during his studies, he felt like there was something missing. When his grandmother developed cancer, he saw the limitations it caused, and they weren’t going to be cured with physical or occupational therapy. That is when he discovered recreational therapy, the practice of using leisure activities to address… Read More 

Moving On Up with Entry Level Manufacturing Jobs
Nearly 50 percent of American employers report having difficulty filling open positions in Manpower Group’s 2018 Talent Shortage Survey. Of those open positions, skilled trades – such as electricians, welders and mechanics – are the hardest to fill. As the talent gap continues to be an issue at a national, statewide and local level, Afterschool Download is providing a four-part… Read More