Recent Stories

Holiday Resource Guide: How to Access Local Resources During the Holidays
During the holidays, YouthQuest will be out of session; however, there are plenty of activities to keep students busy during the break. “It is important that students engage in enriching activities during the holidays,” says Cheryl Adkins, program director for YouthQuest. “If parents keep kids learning, they have an easier time transitioning back into the school year.” To help students… Read More 

Why Service Learning Matters: YouthQuest, TeenQuest Students Learn the Importance of Giving Back
Community engagement is one of the pillars of YouthQuest. It is an opportunity for students to look beyond themselves and learn how they can make a difference in their community. However, there are more benefits to volunteerism than one might expect. According to a study performed at the University of Nevada, students who volunteer are less likely to engage in… Read More 

YouthQuest Highlights: November 2018
Holy Guacamole To promote nutrition at Eisenhower Elementary, the Gardening Club uses their bounty to make healthy snacks. Using fresh ingredients students are learning how to make nutritious snacks, like Guacamole, and also learning how to use what they grow. Wise Words At Brownell STEM Academy, students start and end their time at YouthQuest with positive affirmation time. Affirmations students… Read More 

Snow Day? Experience Your Local Parks
The snow has arrived in Flint & Genesee, and with it comes snow days for students and adults alike. If you don’t want to spend the day wrapped in a blanket, here are four fun experiences perfect for a snow day. Ice Skating A wonderful place to lace up your skates is at Physicians Park in Grand Blanc. In Downtown… Read More 

[caption id="attachment_38858" align="alignright" width="150"] Ridgway H. White[/caption] Ridgway H. White has been named CEO of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, in addition to serving as its president. A great-grandson of founder Charles Stewart Mott, Ridgway White has been preceded by only three other leaders of the Foundation during its 92-year history: Mott; Mott's son, C.S. Harding Mott; and William S.… Read More 

As we all make our way through this fast-paced, technology-ridden world that we live and work in, I hope you were able to take time last week to enjoy Thanksgiving and be mindful of the things for which you are grateful. As I reflect on 2018, two words come to mind for Flint and Genesee County: recovery and revitalization. For… Read More