Recent Stories

Three Fun Kayaking Themed Events to Attend this Weekend
With the weather beginning to break, kayakers are dreaming of getting back onto the water. Along with the news of a Paddlers’ Landing being built at Mott Park Recreation Area, the excitement of the Flint River is spreading quickly. This weekend, three events will be hosted to support crowdfunding efforts of the Corridor Alliance Chapter of the Flint River Watershed… Read More 

Question of the Month: What is your book recommendation?
Reading is a top priority at YouthQuest, and that's especially true in March, or National Reading Month. We asked some of our students at Freeman Elementary about what they're currently reading in YouthQuest and which books they recommend to others. Below, watch what students have to recommend to read this month: YouthQuest is made possible through the generous support of… Read More 

Highlights: February 2019
Poetry in Motion At Pierce Elementary, students hosted a “Poetry Slam Family Night.” The night kicked off with Ms. T’s reading of Phenomenal Women by Maya Angelou. In observance of Black History Month, many students performed poems by black poets, but were also encouraged to come up with their own words. Supporting the Troops Multiple sites participated in supporting the… Read More 

Under Construction: Students Explore Elements of Engineering
Marshmallows, plastic cups, paperclips and clothespins. What do all of these things have in common? Students in YouthQuest will be using these materials to build structures in line with this month’s theme: Under Construction. “This month is all about helping students hone their engineering, math and science skills.,” says Cheryl Adkins, program director for YouthQuest. “For example, we have a… Read More 

On the Job: Tiffani Johnson
Tiffani Johnson has a passion for helping people. Currently, the TeenQuest graduate serves as a lead learning guide at Freeman Elementary for YouthQuest, a program she also attended when she was in school. And it’s safe to say she loves the work that she does. “My favorite thing is working with the kids,” says Johnson. “The drive they give me… Read More