Grand Blanc High School student Kyleigh Moughler is working toward her dream career in nursing. Currently working as a medical records health information specialist for Ascension Genesys Hospital while attending school, Moughler is gaining experience in the healthcare industry before she graduates with her nursing degree from the University of Michigan-Flint.
“My job doesn’t give me clinical experience specifically for nursing,” says Moughler. “However, it has given me experience with medical terminology and a different perspective of the medical field that will be beneficial when I transition to my career in nursing.”
After her intended graduation in May of 2022, Moughler plans to pursue a master’s degree in nursing to allow her to expand her opportunities in the field.
“With a master’s degree, I will have the opportunity to further my career into management,” says Moughler. “Continuing my education will allow me more room to grow within my field.”
Working and attending school for the past four years, Moughler credits TeenQuest for giving her the tools to be successful in her endeavors.
How did lessons learned in TeenQuest help you on the path to your current position?
I started the position right after I graduated from high school and TeenQuest played a big part in being prepared for the role. It also helped me with interviewing and being able to present myself professionally.
What skills did you use when you interviewed for the position?
I learned how to answer questions appropriately, how to stay calm during an interview and how to maintain eye contact.
What is your favorite memory from TeenQuest?
Getting to know everyone in the program and practicing the skills we learned with each other. We would implement the skills such as interpersonal communication and how to properly talk about ourselves which in turn helped us get to know each other while we were in session.
What advice would you offer current TeenQuest students?
I think, not a lot of students take advantage of the opportunity that TeenQuest gives. What you are doing through TeenQuest is a great accomplishment and it is going to help you grow not only professionally but personally.
What has been your proudest moment since graduating TeenQuest?
Watching myself grow to the place I am now. From getting my job at Genesys to being accepted into my nursing program, I am proud to see the person I am becoming.
TeenQuest and Summer Youth Initiative are made possible through the generous support of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.