Sales Lead Roundtable Application

Thank you for your interest in the Flint & Genesee Chamber Sales Lead Roundtable.

The Sales Lead Roundtable is a group of professionals whose employer, or company, is a member in good standing of the Flint & Genesee Chamber, and shares prospective customer information in a roundtable format. The roundtable is an opportunity for members to share leads with others in a non-competitive atmosphere. Membership to this committee is limited to one representative per industry. The program year is January 1 through December 31 inclusive.

To apply, please complete the application or to see if there is an open seat for your industry, please the Chamber at .


  • Participation within the Roundtable group is strictly voluntary. As a participant, it is agreed that you will have a goal of bringing a minimum of three leads each quarter.
  • Attendance is required for this to be an effective and successful group. You are allowed to be absent twice without a substitute. After two absences in a calendar year, you will be removed from the group and your category will become available.
  • All leads shared within the Roundtable are to be kept with the group and not shared with other lead sharing organizations (i.e. BNI). This is out of respect for the other group members and the effectiveness of the group.
  • Chamber membership must be active and in good standing, otherwise, participation in the committee is forfeited.
For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 90