Looking to grow your company? Get the inside scoop on local, state resources

A new webinar series aims to educate area companies about the many resources available to them through the Flint & Genesee Economic Alliance and its many partners.

“Whether a business wants to expand, hire new staff, or explore new market opportunities, the Flint & Genesee Economic Alliance is a great starting point,” said Karena Hamlet, senior business development manager. “We have a robust network ready to support the growth of businesses in our region.”

That includes the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and GST Michigan Works! – two organizations that will be featured in the first session of the quarterly “Meet Our Partners” series. The webinar, which kicks off at 10 a.m. on April 12, will focus on incentive programs and funding opportunities available through the state, including the Michigan Going PRO Talent Fund.

The Economic Alliance will also use some of the time to highlight the many resources and services available to area business at no cost through the Economic Alliance. According to Hamlet, this includes relationships with local and state government that can help assist in everything from securing permits to seeking incentives to support a major expansion. It also includes access to tools and resources that can provide businesses with the data they need to make informed decisions.

This session is ideal for manufacturers; logistics, construction, warehousing, and packaging companies; and distributors.

To register for the one-hour session, which is free to attend, click here.

Unable to attend the session but interested in learning more about the Economic Alliance can help you? Schedule a quick business visit that can take place in-person, virtually, or via phone.
