With Thanksgiving kicking off the holiday season, most people are looking for ways to get into the holiday spirit. Make yourself a little merrier this season by attending these holiday events in Flint & Genesee.
A Tree-Mendous Evening – November 29
Witness the annual tree lighting downtown Flint. The event includes pictures with Santa and visits with live reindeer. During the evening local stores will be open later than usual. For more information, visit Uptown Reinvestment Corporation’s Facebook page.
Jinglefest – December 1
Visit downtown Fenton for their annual Jinglefest. Activities include Christmas tree decorating, lunch with Santa, Jinglejog 5K Walk & Run, horse-drawn wagons, a live nativity display and more. Find out more information about the festivities at fentonchamber.com.
Holiday Walk – December 4
The Flint Cultural Center holds its annual Holiday Walk on its 33 acres of beautifully decorated grounds. The walk includes holiday light displays, festive music, holiday theatre performances, seasonal craft demonstrations, planetarium samplers, refreshments and Santa Claus. For more information, visit flintculturalcenter.com.
Holiday Happenings – December 7
Linden’s annual Holiday Happenings is sure to put you in the holiday spirit. Activities for the night include a parade, fireworks, horse-drawn carriage rides, community sing-alongs and a visit with Santa at the downtown gazebo. For more information, visit lindenholidayhappening.com.
Grand Blanc Festival of Lights – December 7
Head to Physicians Park in Grand Blanc for the Festival of Lights. Festivities include a candlelight walk, a winter market, visits with Santa, and a trackless train ride. For more information, visit the City of Grand Blanc Downtown Development Authority Facebook page.
Candlewalk – December 6-7
One of Flushing’s most heart-warming traditions is its Annual Candlewalk. The two evenings are filled with music by local singers and choirs, ice sculptures, s’mores, refreshments and a horse-drawn wagon. For more information on the event go to flushingchamber.com.
Stay up to date on community events by visiting the Flint & Genesee Chamber events calendar.