YouthQuest Highlights: July 2020

Sharing Voices

Students at Eisenhower, Freeman and Neithercut elementary schools became advocates to help protect the earth by creating posters that call others to action. Students used their marketing materials to share why it’s important to recycle and use fewer single-use plastic products. They were able to take a leadership role while expressing why it’s important to them to help reduce waste in the ocean.

Focused on Science

International Academy of Flint students learned about science this summer through fun and engaging activities focused on chemistry and physics. Experiments included creating carbon dioxide with vinegar and baking soda and making marshmallow structures. By making science fun, students were able to absorb new information in a different way, which helped prevent summer learning loss.

Be Mindful

Students at Durant-Tuuri-Mott Elementary practiced yoga and focused on mindfulness—or the practice of being aware in the present moment–during the month of July. Those in the Mindfulness Club benefited from the promotion of physical fitness, mental health and working through problems in a healthy and productive way.

Partnering for Success

In July, YouthQuest partnered with Flint Community Schools to provide additional learning and enrichment opportunities for students. The two-hour daily program included activities featuring music, fitness, art, literacy and math. Additionally, each student received an activity kit that complemented the virtual program and was able to participate in at-home projects including making robots and creating airplanes.

YouthQuest is made possible through the generous support of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and 21st Century Community Learning Centers.

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