Good Vibes
Students in the Don’t Kill My Vibe Club at Potter Elementary learned how focusing on details in the present moment can help manage emotions. This was done through various techniques including meditation and art.
Keep it Clean
To raise awareness about pollution in Genesee County’s watershed, students at Dye Elementary went out into the community. They distributed information about pollution to residents and used spray paint to stencil “No Littering” near storm drains.
In the Rainforest and Under the Sea
At Eisenhower Elementary, students took a field trip to Great Lakes Crossing, where they visited SeaLife Aquarium. There, they saw aquatic animals and plant life. Following the aquarium, students went to where they took a tour of the “rainforest” before enjoying their dinner at Rainforest Café.
Highlights in History
To promote student voice and choice, youth at Randels Elementary were tasked with creating a project relating to notable figures in history. Students collectively decided to present their findings using poster boards with fun and interesting facts about each person.
YouthQuest is made possible through the generous support of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and 21st Century Community Learning Centers.
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