This holiday season, the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce is offering personalized gift recommendations to shoppers who submit their requests at flintandgenesee.org/holidayshopper.
Here’s a question we received this week:
My parents love this community. What can I give them that will give back to Flint and Genesee County?
Paying It Forward in Flint
And here’s what our resident holiday shoppers had to say:
Hi, Paying It Forward!
There are so many different ways to support the people and organizations in this community.
For instance, you could buy your parents a personalized brick or granite wall inscription in Crim Plaza, located in front of the Riverfront Center in downtown Flint. Proceeds will benefit the Crim Fitness Foundation.
Or you could sign them up for a membership through the Flint River Watershed Coalition, which works to protect, preserve, and improve the Flint River Watershed.
To invest in the city’s future, consider a contribution to the Flint Child Health & Development Fund, which is dedicated to the long-term health and development needs of Flint children exposed to lead.
Other ways to support local youth include the Christmas Box program at the Old Newboys of Flint. For just $20, you can ensure a child in need receives warm clothing, dental products and a special Christmas gift this year.
Likewise, monetary donations can help cover meals, extracurricular activities and more for youth at Whaley Children’s Center.
To help local families get back on their feet and into a home, cover the cost of things like wall insulation, paint and doors through the Genesee County Habitat for Humanity.
Or you can surprise your parents with a trip to the Humane Society of Genesee County. While you’re there, you can make a donation in their name or – if they’re serious about expanding the family – adopt a furry friend!
Truly, these are just a few of the very many nonprofits that would benefit from your support this holiday season. Click here for a look at a longer list of some of the community organizations that are doing great things in Genesee County.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday,
The Flint & Genesee Holiday Shoppers
Are you stumped by what to get for a friend or family member this season? Check out our Holiday Shopper service for a list of gift ideas available through local Chamber members.
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