Page Kidd started her business with her husband 25 years ago in the spare bedroom of their house in Millington, Michigan. What started with a single-head embroidery machine has grown over two and a half decades to become a full-service company providing screen printing, embroidery, and direct-to-garment solutions.
“The idea was we wanted to have a business of our own, that we could do together,” says Page Kidd. “We prayed about it and one day my daughter said, ‘We should do it.’ So, I told my husband to buy the machine. Word got out and we had orders before we even had our equipment.”
The business built up quickly. Kidd was working another full-time job while running the embroidery machine in the mornings and evenings. Within a few months, they had so much business that Kidd left her job, they bought another four-head embroidery machine, added a showroom, and moved the operation to the garage.
After 13 years of success, they made the move to Genesee County.
“We found a space available that would work for what we needed and was close to the I-75 corridor,” says Kidd. “We added the second location in Clio, which put us in Genesee County, and it was the best decision we made.”
Once they opened the Clio location, Kidd and her family soon closed down operations at their home. They moved everything to the new space and bought their own screen-printing equipment to expand the business.
Today, Kidd Company has 14 employees alongside Kidd and her husband. The company sells products all over but is proud to have plenty of local customers in Genesee County.
How would you describe Flint & Genesee to an outsider?
It’s a community that is really coming together to support each other and help each other out.
What is your business philosophy?
Our philosophy is that we enrich the lives of our team and their families and our customers, one interaction at a time. Everything that we do can have a positive impact on someone else, and it’s important to be mindful of that. Quality always comes first, and building relationships and giving customers a product that they will love makes everyone happier.
How are you involved in the community?
There are so many various ways to be involved in our communities, from playing Pickleball to taking part in helping with some of the non-profits, supporting events, and serving on committees. Over the years, there have been many opportunities to be involved and to give back.
Why did you decide to join the Chamber?
We’ve always felt it is important to be part of the community. Even in Millington, we were a part of their Chamber. It’s a way to get to know other people and businesses and be part of it all. It is nice to be able to support the work that the Chamber does. Every business should be part of it and be more involved in it. Up until a few years ago, I didn’t realize how many tools were available because of the Chamber!
What advice would you offer other business owners or those starting a business?
Number one, make sure you join the Chamber immediately. Number two, get involved. And number three, look at all the resources offered and refer to them before making any major purchases.
For more information on Kidd Company, visit Kidd-Co.com.