Public Policy advocacy is an important part of the Flint & Genesee Chamber’s leadership. We are engaged in the legislative and political process and work to address issues that affect our members.
Speaking of which, our process for vetting political candidates has begun. After much discussion, we determined that our Public Policy Committee (PPC) will focus their attention — during this election cycle — primarily on state representatives and Genesee County Commissioners. We believe that these two bodies can have the greatest impact on issues that affect businesses.
Between now and election time, we will engage the political candidates in a variety of ways. For example, we will survey candidates on critical issues; they will be invited to meet with the Chamber PPC and asked a series of questions to determine if they are “pro-business” or “not pro-business”. We will also identify other opportunities to get to know the candidates and their positions. At the end of this process, we will inform you of our findings and who the Chamber plans to endorse.
In the meantime, I wanted to inform you that the Chamber PPC has planned an event, “Demystifying Michigan’s Personal Property Tax Reform” for Monday, May 19, from 1:30 to 3:30 PM. The event will feature Michigan Lt. Governor Brian Calley and a panel of experts from Plante Moran, Lewis & Knopf and Michigan Citizens for Strong & Safe Communities.
If you are interested in the personal property tax issue, this is a great opportunity to get first-hand information from individuals who are highly knowledgeable about the subject. Visit our website to register.
As always, I appreciate hearing from you. If you have questions or suggestions related to public policy, please share them.