In Your Corner: It Takes a Village

Tim Herman, CEO
Tim Herman, CEO

Good day, FGCC members. I hope business is going well.

In this week’s column, I want to talk about something that is weighing on my mind. It’s an ongoing issue that frustrates me to no end. It’s the negativity and misinformed viewpoints about Flint & Genesee.

It is very important that our community work together to protect the image of the region. Our image and reputation are all that we have. And when it’s tarnished, it significantly impacts the great work the people of this area are doing. It impacts our ability to attract business investment, and sell goods and services and create jobs. It impacts our ability to recruit and retain talent. It impacts our ability to promote the region as a destination. And it impacts morale – particularly for those who are working day in and day out to preserve and promote what’s good about Flint & Genesee.

We need to help individuals, media, site selectors, meeting planners, businesses – well… actually everyone see Flint & Genesee the way that we see it. Like most urban areas, we have our challenges but we have so many bright spots; and we all have a role in pointing them out. Show them how we have evolved and talk about the great progress we’re making on such things as diversifying new markets, increasing employment, tourism, and improving health outcomes and quality of life.

If you see a negative news story that you disagree with, write or call the editor or news director and share your perspective. Negative press and the perpetuation of negative comments do not help in any way.

I implore everyone who reads this column to take/make opportunities to promote the region’s assets, capabilities and progress toward a revitalized region; one that can, and is, competing on many levels.

It’s vitally important, and it takes a village to be successful.

Have a great day!

