Earlier this year, Price Waterhouse Cooper (PWC) came out with its 20th CEO Survey results. Nearly 1,400 CEOS globally shared their perspective on the impact that technological change and globalization has had on growth, talent, trust and society. Given the upheaval brought on by the new U.S. administration, I thought this would be a good […]

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Residential real estate prices continued upward last month. The average sales price of homes was up 15 percent in June  2017 compared to the same period last year, according to the East Central Association of REALTORS®. The average price in June was $160,616 versus $139,565 a year ago. Residential sales in Flint & Genesee declined 1.8 […]

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Technology-based enrollment systems offer ease and organization By Ben Clevenger, Client Services, Michigan Planners Sources state that consumers spend up to five hours per day on their phones – and we believe it!  Walk into any restaurant, grocery store, or sporting event, and you will find noses down and fingers scrolling. Shopping. Banking. Chatting. You […]

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Several new attractions will headline the 5th Annual “Be a Tourist in Your Home Town” on July 15. This year’s venues include stops at the Durant-Dort Factory One, Factory Two, Ferris Wheel Building and the new Treehouse at For-Mar Nature Preserve and Arboretum. In all, nearly three-dozen venues will participate in the one-day excursion that […]

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The next time you pack your lunch, consider including some of the following foods. New research from across the world suggests that each of the following play a role in fighting various diseases and disorders. Red grapes, unpeeled apples and turmeric New research from the University of Texas at Austin shows that natural compounds found […]

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