STUDYING SELF-DISCIPLINE Before kicking off their karate lessons, students at Dye Elementary first learned about the importance of self-discipline, or the control over their own body and mind. They participated in multiple exercises that focused on meditation and understanding the karate did not, and was not, to promote violence. As the students transitioned into learning […]

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Nickoy Edwards always knew that he wanted to help people in his community, but it wasn’t until he attended Mott Community College that he decided to join the police force. “I was working in the college’s office of public safety, where I met a lot of police officers,” says Edwards, an alum of Mott Middle […]

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Every year, YouthQuest employees complete 40 to 60 hours of professional development focused on the latest developments in afterschool best practices, strategies and techniques. Professional development sessions are held monthly and are led by a variety of experts, such as Dr. Gale Gorke, who specializes in providing training for afterschool employees and Dr. Lauren Czechowski, […]

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(FLINT, Mich., May 25, 2017) – Enrollment is underway for YouthQuest’s summer enrichment programs for elementary, middle and high school students in Flint and Genesee County. YouthQuest offers high-quality activities and services that encourage the exploration of new interests in the areas of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math), and promotes academic achievement, physical […]

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(FLINT, Mich. – May 18, 2017) – The Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce today announced the receipt of $261,600 from several organizations and individual donors in support of afterschool programming, teen employment and economic development efforts in Genesee County. The grantors and donors include: Ruth Mott Foundation, $75,000 (Summer Youth Initiative (SYI)) The Hagerman Foundation, […]

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