YouthQuest Featured in National AfterSchool Publication

$3.1 Million in Funding Supports Regional Chamber Program

The Regional Chamber’s YouthQuest program and the $3.1 million grant the program received from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation are highlighted in the fall issue of “AfterSchool Today”, a national publication of the National Afterschool Association.  The article focuses on the benefits provided by the funding, as well as YouthQuest’s impact on the students served through the program, particularly in middle school.

YouthQuest provides afterschool activities and services that promote academic learning, physical fitness, youth leadership, volunteerism, and the exploration of new interests and skills in such areas as science and the arts.  The program is available at 15 sites in 5 Genesee County school districts.

The article cited the benefit of afterschool programs like YouthQuest and the impact they can have on grades, lower rates of truancy, engagement in school, college achievement and delinquency.

To read the entire article, click here.  For more information about YouthQuest visit or call (810) 422-5904
