The Flint & Genesee Group shared accomplishments from last year, including boosting the county’s annual payroll by $6.3 mil.
(Flint, Mich., 03/25/2025) – The Flint & Genesee reported on its accomplishments from 2024 and previewed its direction moving toward 2026 during the organization’s Annual Meeting: Welcoming Opportunities, held today at the FIM Capitol Theatre.
“2024 was about opening doors in Flint & Genesee. Our collective efforts were focused on attracting visitors, businesses, talent, and investors,” said Tim Herman, CEO of the Flint & Genesee Group. “Across the board, our message was consistent: This is a destination of opportunity, and all are welcome here.”
The 2024 Annual Report shares the results of bold strategies designed to open the door for what’s next in Flint & Genesee. Collective efforts in 2024 helped bring Genesee County closer to realizing the Forward Together vision of becoming a top-five community in Michigan by 2040. Some highlighted accomplishments from the Flint & Genesee Group’s divisions are included below.
Explore Flint & Genesee, which is charged with increasing tourism and driving economic impact in the region, welcomed new and returning audiences to Genesee County, resulting in an estimated economic impact of $6.5 million in 2024. The division successfully bid for future events that are projected to generate 8,639 hotel room nights. Additionally, 80 new Flint & Genesee Certified Tourism Ambassadors joined the region’s network, bringing the total number to 300 members.
The Flint & Genesee Chamber, which furthers the individual and collective success of small businesses to build a stronger local economy, gained 114 new members, bringing its membership to 975 at the end of 2024. It also launched a new website with exciting new features and established the new Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) Business Committee.
Flint & Genesee Economic Alliance, which is growing, retaining, and attracting new businesses for Genesee County to advance prosperity for all residents, put Genesee County in the running for $1.6 billion of potential investment by responding to 15 Requests for Proposals. It also supported NanoGraf Corporation’s decision to expand to the Flint Commerce Center, bringing in a projected 152 new jobs to Genesee County and boosting the county’s annual payroll by $6.3 million. The division also helped small businesses grow through the launch of the Small Business Support Hub, and the team counseled 221 small businesses.
Flint & Genesee Education & Talent, which develops and retains Genesee County’s talent and attracts new talent to join the workforce, graduated 444 students from its TeenQuest program and helped 209 teens secure jobs through its subsequent Summer Youth Initiative program. It also saw 450 working professionals attend 21 workshops and eight new local leaders graduate from Leadership Flint & Genesee. Finally, 329 people signed up to learn more about living in Genesee County through the Make Your Move program, and nine secured employment as a result.
Looking forward, the Group and its divisions are working to move Genesee County toward the Forward Together vision, aligning efforts to promote the assets for Flint & Genesee to audiences outside the region, supporting systems, physical infrastructure, and amenities the increase economic growth opportunities, and investing it its own capacity as an organization.
This is simply a high-level look at what the Group and its divisions accomplished in 2024. For more of a deeper dive, visit AnnualReport.FlintandGenesee.org.