3 Ways to Stand Out at the SYI Job Fair

Are you a TeenQuest alumni between the ages of 14-19 looking for a summer job? Good news: The Summer Youth Initiative (SYI) Job Fair – which connects hundreds of teens with local employers each year – will be held Saturday, April 29.

Job applicants are encouraged to dress their best and bring plenty of resumes to share with participating employers. For those who truly want to stand out during the event, we recommend the following three tactics:

  1. Be ready to impress from the moment you get out of your car. You never know who you might be walking into the building with – they could be an employer.
  2. Sell your skills with examples. Are you well versed in conflict resolution? Be ready to support that claim with examples from school or a previous job.
  3. Send a thank-you note following your interview. Not only does this put your name back in front of the interviewer one more time, it shows them that you’re willing to take the extra steps to get the job.

To participate in SYI, students must be in ninth through 12th grade, live and attend school in Genesee County and have successfully completed the TeenQuest pre-employment training program. They must also complete and submit the job fair application by March 31, 2017.

For more information or to download an application, click here.

To learn more about SYI and how it benefits participants, check out this quick video:
