11 opportunities to boost your professional know-how

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, continuous learning is key to staying competitive and advancing is your career. Thankfully, Flint & Genesee Education & Talent makes it easy to invest in your professional development by hosting workshops throughout the year.

The division of the Flint & Genesee Group recently released its latest training lineup, which starts next month and continues through October. It features more than 10 training sessions covering everything from AI to emotional intelligence.

The new catalog kicks off with a three-part series focuses on different aspects of marketing. Each session builds on the one before it. While attending all three is not required, it is encouraged. They include:

  1. A Brand is Not a Name (Aug. 8)
  2. Maximizing Your Social Media Presence (Sept. 5)
  3. The Power of Influencers (Oct. 10)

The lineup also includes eight standalone sessions:

  1. Embracing AI: Driving Business Success in a Competitive World (Aug. 13)
  2. Perfecting Your LinkedIn Profile (Aug. 21)
  3. Senior Leadership’s Critical Role in DEI Success (Sept. 10)
  4. Grant Writing 101 (Sept. 10)
  5. Emotional Intelligence 2.0: Self-reflection and Management (Sept. 24)
  6. Net-Work It! Building Connections Like a Pro (Oct. 1)
  7. Grant Writing 201 (Oct. 17)
  8. Leading a Large-scale DEI Effort (Oct. 29)

To stay informed about upcoming workshops, click here to sign up for the Training & Development mailing list.
